Location planning for your advertising

Woman shopping looking at her phone

Location planning is a process by which retail businesses, real estate developers, towns and travel organisations decide how and where to allocate their resources and assets in order to attract new visitors to their site and achieve the greatest profit possible.

It works by targeting specific areas using unique IP addresses, Wi-Fi triangulation or GPS data from GDPR compliant apps and smartphones in order to find out where visitors or shoppers are located. 

Once this information is known, marketers can deliver tailored advertisements that influence relevant consumers within a certain location – shopping centre, high street, event space etc. This is otherwise known as ‘Geo-fencing’. 

For example, imagine walking down the street, and you receive a pop-up ad or special offer message of a product in a shop nearby. It’s a limited discount that can only be accessed when visitors enter the catchment zone, therefore, you’ll be more inclined to take advantage of said offer. Billboards are another example of this which can be seen at bus stops, office blocks and other places where pedestrians walk by.

Here are some more reasons why location planning is beneficial when it comes to advertising:

Identify strengths and weaknesses 

Many sites still have significant value that can be tapped into via location planning. It’s an opportunity for towns to tell their story and get noticed. Retailers and real estate developers may consider this type of marketing as a way to improve their portfolio by identifying and analysing their strengths and weaknesses.

Enhance a town or city’s image 

Small town businesses are always looking for ways to make them more appealing and establish a worthy reputation with the surrounding communities. Advertisements can be displayed at popular existing assets such as historic sites, parks, recreational facilities like trails and golf courses, nearby universities or colleges, etc. 


When you know where and who to target, then investments for marketing campaigns like advertising expenses, media spending (prints in magazines), tourism related activities (eg: outdoor concerts) and market surveys can be carefully planned out and budgeted appropriately. 

Choose prime spots

It helps retailers open stores or offices in prime locations to generate higher revenue per square foot of space. Town planners can not only put forward tactical advertising strategies and building developments, but also consider how best to use local transportation systems to generate high traffic.

Understand visitor behaviour 

It is important for businesses and towns to understand the needs of visitors if their marketing programs are going to be successful. This includes factors such as consumer preferences, buying habits, lifestyle, post-code, career and favourite places to socialise. It all helps you make an informed decision and identify several plans of action regarding your advertising efforts. 

Leverage location data now 

Improve the performance of your advertising and learn how to wield real-time data with one of our Dashboards. You’ll be able to pull valuable customer insights and make actionable decisions to benefit your Town, Heritage Zone, Retail Site or Tourism Area

Call 01772 283 204 or drop us a message via our Contact page and let’s get to work! 


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