If you work for a tourist attraction, retail site or local council, one of the key things you will want to know is where your visitors originate from. Knowing this information can be extremely valuable, and it can help you to make smarter decisions about everything from your marketing strategy, to the products and services that you offer.
Here are four benefits of knowing where your visitors originate from:
1. Identify the best target market
Take a look at where your visitors live and ask yourself, “do I want to attract more people like this?” It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that all of your visitors live nearby, but this isn’t the case. By using mobile GPS data, marketers can determine demographic and psychographic insights about their visitors, revealing variables like age, gender, ethnicity, as well as consumer habits, post-code and travelling behaviour. With this information, you can tailor your marketing or ad messages accordingly.
2. Understand international visitors
There are lots of places that people can visit around the world, so there’s a chance that your attraction, town or business is on some of their “wish lists.” If you notice a rise in international footfall traffic from an attractive target market like China, America or Australia, then perhaps consider tailoring your advertising campaigns, products or services information so they are available in a variety of languages to engage more people from different parts of the world. It’s also a good idea to ask for any feedback they may have about how you could improve your services.
3. Identify which services are most demanded
Knowing where your visitors originate from can help you work out if there are any “gap” areas for specific types of products, tourism or services. This information makes it much easier for you to determine how your marketing budget should be spent, and what kind of local events you might want to host. For example, if there is enough demand for cycle tours but not enough demand for sight-seeing buses, then that gives you an idea about how best to promote yourself.
4. More satisfied customers = more word-of-mouth promotion
If you know exactly where your visitors are coming from, there are lots of ways that you can take advantage of this information. For example, if 10% of your visitors originate from a single suburb or town, it might be worth investing in promotional materials such as banners and pop-up stores which are only visible to residents. If you find out where they live and work, the better! The more satisfied customers you have, the more word-of-mouth promotion you will receive – which can lead to even more visitors!
With this information in mind, make sure that you keep track of where your visitors live and update this information regularly. This will allow you to fine-tune your marketing communications so that they are optimized for your target market.
Access visitor location data now
Here at Place Informatics, we’re creating better futures for town centres, tourist destinations and retail sites across the UK.
If you’re looking to find out exactly where your visitors originate from, sign up to one of our Dashboards and see how customer behaviour and footfall data can help benefit your Town, Heritage Zone, Retail Site or Tourism Area today!
For more information, call 01772 283 204 or drop us a message via the form on our website.