Tourist visitor numbers grow by 36.83% for Coastal BID town centres in June

Brighton pier sign on promenade

Tourist visitor numbers grow by 36.83% for Coastal BID town centres in June.

As Covid restrictions are relaxed/removed footfall is returning to town centres, so this month here at TownandPlace.AI we are taking a look to see what type of town centre visitors are contributing to increased footfall in our Coastal BID town centres.

We have analysed the home postcode locations of town centre visitors to 39 coastal BID town centres between May 21 and June 21. Calculating the total number of unique visitors seen in each town centre and the total number of postcodes where the visitors originated from, to provide a detailed understanding of how people’s travel behaviours are changing post-COVID restrictions.

We have split town centre visitor origins into three catchment visitor groups:

Core – people who use the town centre on a daily or weekly basis
Local Region – people who use the town centre each month or who come for a specific event
Tourist – Visitors from the wider region or from across the UK.

Core Catchment Postcodes

  Local Region Postcodes  

      Tourist Postcodes      
Example: Bournemouth town centre visitor catchment maps June 21

Growth in Local Region and Tourist unique visitors
Comparing June 21 and May 21 the total number of unique visitors to coastal town centres has increased by 7%, however, this does not tell the whole story, as can be seen in the graph below. Both Tourist and Local Region visitors numbers have benefited from significant growth 36.83% and 24.92% respectively, however, Core catchment visitors have actually seen a decline of 3.52%.

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Coastal BID towns become less reliant on core catchment visitors
In May 21, seventy percent (70%) of all visitors to coastal BID towns originated from the Core postcode catchment area for each coastal town centre. This reliance on core catchment has dropped to sixty-two and a half percent (62.5%) during June 21, an encouraging change, we are now starting to see town centre visitors who have travelled from outside the town’s core catchment area.

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Growth in Town Centre Visitor Postcodes
Southend-On-Sea came out top for growth in the total number of postcodes from where town centre visitors originated from, with an increase of 54 postcodes between June 21 compared to May 21. The top ten performing coastal BID towns are included in the graph below.

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Growth in Town Centre Tourist Visitors
Growth in tourist visitors ie not core catchment or local visitor catchment has been strongest in Gorleston-on-Sea which experienced a near 700% growth. Four out of the top ten town centres were in Devon and Cornwall.

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Latest July 21 Footfall and Tourism Town Centre Data available from TownandPlace.AI

To view the latest July 21 footfall, tourism and visitor catchment data for your BID town centre, click on the link and register for your FREE 14-day access pass. TownandPlace.AI is a ‘no hardware required’ provider of footfall, visitor behaviour and tourism data for over 2,300 town centres across the UK.

If you have any questions regarding the available footfall, tourism and visitor behaviour data for your town centre please email Clive Hall, Visitor Insights Director


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